




Father, Surfer, Designer and founder of www.canvaz.io , tailsandwhales.com. Started out as an art director Intern growing up into a senior digital designer and spent the last 12 years designing experiences, focusing on users, welcoming great clients to our family, releasing internal products and surfing in between. 

The ambition, mixed with low aversion to risk and the need to challenge myself made me get into a lot of adventures, from founding tech start ups, creating products, designing for millions of users, it doesn't matter what, how, who owns what, equity, client work, personal projects or experiences....its all about the end result, its all about users

But the best project came in late 2015 when my daughter was born and I finally felt like  the most successful man on earth, I'm a professional designer, amateurs surfer, lucky husband and blessed father with a hard time saying "No" to a cool challenge (or to my wife and daughter:) 

P.S There isn't such a thing as a one man show, on each an every project I'm evolved there is an awesome team which im proudly a part of as a designer, business partner, founder and co-founder.






I’m a UI/UX Designer with a small passion for motion graphics usually implemented to showcase interactions and to bring life to some details. I like the eye candy. All my work has a soundtrack and that is a mandatory thing for me. I need music!

I graduated in Multimedia Design at University of Beira Interior in 2014 (yeah I'm a young fellow) and started an internship in Signinum where I found my focus and dived into the digital world. I enrolled on a UI/UX design course in EDIT where I meet great people, collegues, friends and tutors to whom I'm grateful for everything I learned and experienced. And here we are, now I just started out at Canvaz,  working and learning with the master (the man at your left) close to the beach and in the city I always wanted to be. Yeah, I can say that: I’m a happy guy.

My things, at the moment:

Sun & Beers | Watching Football | Going out just because | Take Photos

In the future, I want to try surfing and I dream to know all the whole world.




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